Official statements
“Pavement markings are usually removed by water blasting; few chemical methods are effective. Sand or shotblasting may be prohibited by local air pollution regulations. /.../ In general, markings shall not be placed over existing pavement marking patterns. Remove existing pavement markings, which are in good condition but interfere or conflict with the newly applied marking patterns. /.../ New preformed and thermoplastic pavement markings shall not be applied over existing preformed or thermoplastic markings. Whenever grinding, scraping, sandblasting or other operations are performed the work must be conducted in such a manner that the finished pavement surface is not damaged or left in a pattern that is misleading or confusing.”
US Department of transportation, Federal highway administration, Roadway delineation practices handbook, claims that:
“High-Pressure Water Jet. A highpressure water jet 2000 to 3000 pounds per square inch (13,700 to 20,500 kilopascals) was reportedly effective in removing pavement markings from PCC.”
In Pavestech technical Information document Number PTID/27 is stated:
“Blasting /.../ will give the road surface its maximum skid resistance in a uniform way /.../. In addition when in 3 or 4 years the aggregate has become polished and the skid resistance has dropped below acceptable level, blasting could regenerate /.../ and /.../ may extend the life of the road by several years.”
U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration, TECHNICAL ADVISORY, SKID ACCIDENT REDUCTION PROGRAM; The HSPS (Highway Design Construction and Maintenance) No. 12, states:
“Each State shall have a program for resurfacing or other surface treatment with emphasis on correction of locations or sections of streets and highways with low skid resistance and high or potentially high accident rates susceptible to reduction by providing improved surfaces.”